Hamburg - London - Miami - Guatemala City - Mexico City - London - Hamburg

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Last pictures from Mexico City

Here are the last photos from Mexico City:

Mexico City

Better late than never.

All for now. Check back later. Might just write something more. And if not, it was great of you to follow our travel and keep up the interest. We don't really have any idea about how many of you have been reading it, but a great number have been looking at the photos and we keep hearing about somebody who read a bit once in a while. So, all in all, I guess it was a success.

All for now,

Shiu-Jene and Rasmus

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Mexico Airport, Heathrow in London, Hamburg Airport .. and the end!

Suddenly it's over and it all seemed to have happened so fast. On the other hand, when you think of all the things we experienced and saw, the people we met and the things we learned, it seems like a year at least. Nevertheless, our travel has come to and end.

We left Mexico city Friday evening, thereby leaving behind the 20+ degrees outside that we already knew would not be in Europe. We landed in Heatrow and was fooled into thinking that it wasn't that cold at all, only to arrive in Hamburg and nearly freeze to death.

We slept off a big jetlag at Shiu-Jene's parents place, and now we are just slowing trying to get back into European lifestyle. Not all of it easy. Of course the easy things are stuff like hot shower, capets and toilets that works like a dream. The difficult ones are busfares at 2 EURO when you used to 2 Quetzales (roughly 0.5 EURO), cold weather and an overhyped Christmas.

In school we learned that we should write and conclussion to things. I don't think we are ready to do that just yet, so check back in in some days, then there might be one last final post here.

And of course, we have to upload some photos from Mexico City. There you: two good reasons to check back later.

Until then...