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Sunday, September 18, 2005

...And then we left the civilized world of Antigua.

Yesterday we left Antigua. We've been here a bit more than a week. We finished Spanish class Friday. We don't know everything now, but a lot more than before, and already we feel a bit more comfortable talking.
The last week has been nice, but we were ready for something new. After the relaxed week in Antigua, we were ready for something a bit more wild.

So we left for Parramos, a city just 1/2 hour from Antigua, but a wold apart. When we got off the bus, we were without doubt the only foreigners in the city. In Parramos we have the contact at the NGO where we want to do volunteer work. We met with him and he showed us around his project. Unfortunatly, it turned out that most of the work he had these days involved construction work. This is great if you are a school that comes with a money donation that can be spent on buying material and then build for a week of so, but we are just two people and have no money to help out with. But Erfrain - that is his name - was really helpful and appriciated that we wanted to help out. We asked if it was possible to teach English in the city for a week or two, and within an hour he had arranged classes for us; morning classes in a primary school Monday to Friday, and afternoon classes in a middle school Thursday and Fridays. There you go: tomorrow we have to teach English in front of some 50-60 teenagers!!!

It's really cool, though. Everybody seems to be so happy about having us there. We are staying at Efrains house, something he never even seem to question. He is living with his wife and his youngest son; his other 7 kids have all moved out. It's not luxurious what we have, but it's nice place and a nice family.

There is a internet cafe somewhere in Parramos .. we think. So we will try to write. Take care all of you. We updated the picture page and put some pictures from the last days in Antigua in.

All the best from here.


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