Hamburg - London - Miami - Guatemala City - Mexico City - London - Hamburg

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Hurricane Stan

Hello Everybody

I just wanted to let you all know that we are fine. Maybe you have heard about the Hurricane Stan, which is causing trouble in Central America these days.

We were in San Pedro, in the area that was worst hit. We had no power in San Pedro for 5-6 days, and therefore now phone, internet and news. There was massive amounts of rain for 3-4 days causing much damage in the area. San Pedro was the city that was least hit, so we where fine, but in the village next it has been bad with lots of landslides and many people lost their lives. But, again, nothing serious happend in San Pedro and we are fine.

We don't really know a lot, though, because we haven't really had any information for 5 days. Today we were more or less evacuated by Inguat, the tourism board in Guatemala, and we are now back in Antigua.

We will most likely have to change our plans a bit, because we have no idea where you can go. There is also info about a new storm coming tomorrow. Antigua is fine, though.

We will write you once of these days, when we know more.

But, again, we are fine.

Take care,

Shiu-Jene and Rasmus


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