Hamburg - London - Miami - Guatemala City - Mexico City - London - Hamburg

Friday, October 14, 2005


We left Antigua Tuesday and headed north. The roads west are not possible to use so we thought we might as well go here now; we wanted to go later anyways.

There are two things we want to see up here. One is Semuc-Champey, an area with river, natural water pools, caves, rainforest, sun. The other is Tikal, huge Mayan ruins.

The day before yesterday we arrived in Lanquin, after a day of travel from Antigua. Lanquin is the city you stay in, if you are going to Semuc-Champey. We are travelling the next couple of days with Chen, Maayan and Itai from Israel. Nice people...

Yesterday we got a shuttle with a bunch of other people, almost only Israeli people; there are really many of them here.

We arrived 30 min later, after going up and down mountain roads. It was a wonder that our minibus could even make it. The driver told us to be back at no later than 4 in the afternoon. I think he was afraid of rain later in the day (with rain, the roads would be impossible).

We paid to get into the area - 25Quetzales, 2.5EURO - and found the road leading to the pools. It was a wonderful walk. It's a kind of rainforrest. Later you get to the river and follow it upstream. There is a waterfall on the way. Beautiful.
After following the river for a while we arrived at the pools. And all there is to say about that is: WOW! It was really beautiful! Green, green water. 5 pools, each at their own level. And great for swimming.

Later we followed the river further upstream at arrived the place where the river goes under the rock. This is the spectacular thing about this place. It's a river running under a huge rock, creating these water pools on top. Amazing!

We stayed a long time, swimming, eating lunch and enjoying the place.

In the afternoon we went to take a walk in some caves close by. That was really a bit scary. The caves where in a moutain and we could only go in with swimming clothes, because we had to swim several places. We got a candle (candle and water?!?) and the guide had an extra flashlight .. and then we went in. We had to swim, we had to climbed up, we had to climbed down .. everything on muddy and wet rocks. It was one of thoose things that you would never be allowed do in Europe. In the caves a river was running and there was actually an underground waterfall. It was a beautiful place, but also scary. What would happen if the water with increase becuase of rain; what if our candles went out and the flashlight didn't work anymore; if one of us fell and would break something (believe me, there was plenty of chances for that); what if...

But we made it out ok. It was a great day! And we were really tired in the evening. Rasmus fell a sleep at 7pm in a hammock, and that was more or less when the day ended, at least for him.

Today we have an off day. Not really doing much. One of our Israeli travel mates is not eating to day - for the 25 hours - it's a jewish holiday. (Jokim pum, or something??!?)

We did do a bit today. We rented some tire tupes (from old truck tires) and got a lift upstream of the local river here. There we got in the river, up on the tupe and off we were. Salling down the river for a 25 mins. ride. Cool! All you had to do was stay clear of the treebranches on both sides. And then of course get out of the river at the ride place. It was kind of like a waterslide in a amusement park, just a lot longer and then in natural surroundings.

Tomorrow we leave for Flores and Tikal. More about that later.

We are great and hope the same for you.

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